Manufacturer of industrial air heaters No. 1 in Russia
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Call within Russia is free 8 (800) 350-02-94 We will call you back

Greenhouses in the Tula region

R&S 175 air heaters — 4 pcs, Oberon recirculating fans — 25 pcs. Heated area: 3 greenhouses with a total area of 2,880 sq.m.

Workshop (storage warehouse) in Izhevsk

Air heater R&S 85 (air heater is used only to maintain a certain temperature, not for constant heating). Heated area: 400 sq.m.

Military tents

Two air heaters R&S 60 and R&S 85. Heated area: 200 sq.m.

Production hangar in the Vladimir region
Production hangar in the Vladimir region

Air heater RS 120 Complete with a burner for the mains gas Heated area: 800 sq.m

Tennis court in Nizhny Novgorod
Tennis court in Nizhny Novgorod

Air heater RS 175 2 pcs. Complete with a diesel burner Heated area: 1800 sq.m

Heating of greenhouses in the Kaluga region
Heating of greenhouses in the Kaluga region

Greenhouse complex LLC «Agrotech» Air heater RS 175 2 pcs. (for one section of the complex) Complete with a burner for liquefied gas Heated area: 1000 sq.m